Break the Myth- Wear Cotton for the Festive Season

When we hear festivals the first thing that comes to our mind is definitely fashion and then the rest follows. As the festive days are about to hit us, shopping for latest festive fashion is what we all are thinking about. While the whole nation is going gaga over silk sarees and chiffon or silk dresses, we suggest you to tread the off beaten tracks this festive season by choosing cotton. Why? Read on.


Cotton can be equally Gorgeous

For those, who believe cotton is boring and can never bring in the festive spirit, think again. Cotton can be gorgeous and comfortable at the same time. Cotton is the best option for a tropical country like India. For those who are in love with comfort and style, cotton is the best option to try this festive season.


Interesting Twists

Since draped dresses and interesting drapes on dresses are ruling the fashion scenario; cotton seems to be the best fabric to flaunt that style. From adding flare to creating silhouette, cotton can do it all and win hands-down.


Sustainable Style

Sustainable or green fashion is not just a trend, but a call of the day, and this reason should be enough to switch to eco fashion this festive season. Nothing can beat cotton when it comes to helping the environment.


Save the Trade, Bring a Smile

Festivals are all about sharing a common happiness and spreading the smile. While most people are opting for machine made fabrics, it is the handloom weavers especially the cotton weavers who suffer badly. While we celebrate on our festive days, it brings in darkness to their world. This festive season, choose a fashion that not just put smile on your face but shares the happiness with everyone in the society as well.
If these are not reasons enough to celebrate with cotton this festive season, than what else can be. Break the myth that cotton cannot be gorgeous by wearing cotton this festive season.